martes, 21 de junio de 2011

poema "los dias grises" traducido al ingles

green days

I adore the rain
When it´s wearing white and quickly falls down
When everything seems to stand still
When everything remains quiet

I adore grey days
When I can spread out my wings
When my sad soul has been raked through
by your distant memories

I like to gaze at the horizon
Where I feel you in the distance
When the rain
Falls infinitely and seems to swing in the wind
And my suicidal eyes search for you in the distance
Where your kisses left their mark

I adore listening to the rain
When it touches my window
When my thoughts are only for her
My heart looks like a bird
That runs away
That flies away to find her, to love her again

And here I await for you
Between the places that keep you
When the rain falls
Like tears from the sky
When the grey days
Are like my soul and in this silence, everything speaks of you.

Gustavo adolfo rojas (by traduccion poetry the love)